We had a short but sweet reunion of dancing last summer! We are quite hopeful that we can resume dancing once again, and we hope you will join us.
WHEN: Saturday, May 7, 8:00 to 10:30 p.m. (lesson at 7:30 p.m.)
WHERE: Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, 15 Clinton Heights Ave., Columbus 43202 (on southeast corner of High Street one block south of North Broadway)
PARKING: available behind the church and on nearby streets
BAND: Trillium (Mark Barsamian on fiddle and Mark Delozier on piano)
CALLERS: Stephanie Schlie and Richard Ades
COST: $8 ($7 for members), $4 ($3) for ages 26 and under.
Note that if you were a member in 2020, we have extended your membership until fall of 2022.
Health Protocols:
In order to dance safely, we have some new protocols, based upon the success of other communities’ return to dancing:
- First, high quality masks are required indoors. Plain cloth masks, gaiters and bandanas are NOT permitted. We require a well-fitting mask, covering nose and mouth, such as an N95 or KN95. If you have a different, equally or more effective mask (such as one with a HEPA filter), it must be pre-approved at least 3 days prior to the dance. Contact bigsciotycontra@gmail.com to request preapproval. We will not approve alternate masks at the door the night of the dance. We will have KN95 or N95 masks available. Your first mask will be free – the same KN95 mask may be worn up to 5 times. After that, please exchange for a new mask. We request you pay $1 per mask after your first.
- Secondly, proof of vaccination (and boosting, if eligible) will be required. To make this as easy as possible for dancers, Big Scioty and All Soles will be sharing dancer vaccination information. That means that once you have shown/submitted your vaccination record to one of the dances, you’re okay for both venues. To make the check-in process faster and easier, you may submit your vaccination info ahead of time by emailing a photo of your vaccination card to Marilyn Fais at sherm415@aol.com. You may also show your vaccination record at the door. The cut-off for early vax submission for the first Big Scioty dance will be Thursday, May 5.
- New to dancing? A beginners’ session, from 7:30 to 8:00 PM, will get you started. You will learn some basic figures that will be repeated in the evening’s dances. All dances will be taught and no partner is needed. Dancing is 8:00 to 10:30 PM.
- Weather permitting, we will have a snack table set up outside. Contributions to the snack table are welcome. Please bring your own refillable water bottle.
Questions? Please contact us at bigsciotycontra@gmail.com