CONTRA DANCING!! (Full calendar HERE for winter and spring schedules)
NEXT ALL SOLES DANCE: Saturday, March 15 with the Gem City Revelers and caller Richard Ades
NEXT BIG SCIOTY DANCE: Saturday, April 5 – Full Moon Country Dance Orchestra w caller River Rainbowface Abel
(NOTE: in April, Big Scioty returns to Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, 15 Clinton Heights Ave, Columbus, OH 43202)
CONTRA DANCING!! (Full calendar HERE for winter and spring schedules)
NEXT ALL SOLES DANCE: Saturday, March 15 with the Gem City Revelers and caller Richard Ades
NEXT BIG SCIOTY DANCE: Saturday, April 5 – Full Moon Country Dance Orchestra w caller River Rainbowface Abel
(NOTE: in April, Big Scioty returns to Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, 15 Clinton Heights Ave, Columbus, OH 43202)

Big Scioty – Jan. 4 – Trillium w Gaye Fifer calling
Big Scioty is starting the New Year by featuring long time favorite Trilliam with the delightful calling of Gaye Fifer! When, where: 8 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan 4, 2025, at the First Congregational Church, 444 East Broad St., Columbus OH 43215 (just west of the art...

Beginners welcome!
- We offer a beginner lesson at 7:30 pm, ½ hour before the dance. New contra dancers are encouraged to attend.
- No need to come with a partner.
- All dances are called.
- All dances begin with a walk-through of the dance.

Great exercise!
- Wear cool and comfortable clothing, since you may warm up as the night progresses.
- Wear comfortable, clean, dry shoes that will let you move easily on our nice wooden floor.

Live music!
We book the best regional talent for your dancing pleasure. These musicians and callers work together to deliver a lively and fun contra dance experience. Look below for information on the talent we have booked for our next dance.

Friendly atmosphere!
We are a multi-generational community and all are welcome to join us. We look forward to meeting you!
What is contra dance?
Glad you asked! Contra is a form of social dance that, like square dancing, has roots in the barn dances held in pioneer days. It’s fun and easy to learn – if you can walk, you can contra dance! For more information read our “About Contra Dance” and “What to Expect” pages.